The 10 D’s of the Devil:

2024/06/06 - Adapted from an article by Larry Kreider

Why Christians (leaders) fall into deception and a destructive path

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” - John 10:10.

Have Have you ever wondered why some Christians fall into deception and choose destructive paths? It often starts with subtle steps that the devil uses to lead believers astray. These steps are progressive, leading from one stage to another, each more harmful than the last. This teaching, based on Hebrews 12:15, explains, “See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.”

Bitterness is a key factor here, stemming from unresolved anger or resentment. If not addressed, this bitterness grows into a destructive force that not only affects us but also those around us. Forgiveness is crucial to prevent bitterness from taking root. God's grace empowers us to forgive and thus avoid falling into the devil’s deceptive steps. This journey of deception often begins with the first step:

1. Disappointment

Unmet expectations often lead to disappointment, whether they are expectations from God, loved ones, or even ourselves. When these expectations are not met, it can create a sense of bitterness.

Proverbs 13:12 captures this feeling perfectly: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.”

This heart sickness is a breeding ground for negative emotions and can lead to deeper issues if not addressed. Forgiving and applying God’s grace to our lives is essential to move past disappointment and prevent it from taking root in our hearts. We need to remember that forgiveness does not justify the wrong done to us, but it liberates us from the burden of bitterness.

2. Discontentment

Disappointment, if left unchecked, can quickly lead to discontentment. In this stage, we begin to believe that the grass is greener on the other side. We lose sight of our own blessings and start envying the lives of others. This negativity makes it difficult to see the positive aspects of our own lives.

1 Timothy 6:6 advises, “But godliness with contentment is great gain.”

By applying the word of God to our lives, forgiving others, and receiving God’s grace, we can overcome discontentment. It is a reminder that contentment is found not in external circumstances but in our relationship with God.

3. Discouragement

Persistent discontentment often leads to discouragement. When we are discouraged, life feels draining, and our motivation starts to fade. We wake up dreading the day ahead, feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. This stage can be particularly challenging because it affects our overall outlook on life.

Isaiah 40:31 offers hope, stating, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.”

Addressing the root causes of our discouragement and seeking God’s strength can help us overcome this stage and regain our enthusiasm for life.

4. Doubt

Doubt represents a significant spiritual danger zone. It is during this stage that we begin to question beliefs and truths that were previously settled in our hearts.

James 1:6 describes the state of a doubter: “He who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.”

This wavering can lead us to feel uncertain and unstable in our faith. Doubt can be shocking and unsettling, especially when it challenges core aspects of our faith. If left unaddressed, doubt opens the door to disbelief, further eroding our spiritual foundation and making it difficult to trust in God’s promises.

5. Disbelief

Disbelief, or unbelief, is the final form of doubt. It represents a deep crisis of faith where trusting God and His representatives becomes increasingly difficult.

Hebrews 3:12 warns, “Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God.”

This stage can lead to a profound spiritual crisis, where the core tenets of our faith are questioned and often rejected. Disbelief can have far-reaching consequences, not only affecting our personal faith but also influencing those around us. It is crucial to confront disbelief and seek to rebuild our trust in God and His word.

6. Disillusionment

Disillusionment is a stage where we begin to want to give up on commitments and responsibilities we once believed were God-given.

Psalm 31:12 describes this feeling of abandonment and hopelessness: “I am forgotten like a dead man, out of mind; I am like a broken vessel.”

In this stage, we lose our sense of purpose and vision, feeling as if we are stuck in a dark hole with no way out. Disillusionment can affect various aspects of our lives, including marriages, ministries, and personal goals. It is vital to seek freedom and restore our vision to avoid slipping further into despair.

7. Deception

Deception involves believing lies about ourselves and others. Those who are deceived often do not realize they are deceived, making this stage particularly insidious. Deception typically starts from unmet expectations that were not addressed.

Galatians 6:7 clearly states, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”

When we allow deception to take root, it grows and distorts our perception of reality. This distorted perception can lead us to make poor decisions based on false beliefs. Recognizing and confronting deception is crucial to prevent it from further damaging our lives and relationships.

8. Disobedience

Living in disobedience to God’s word, especially when harboring bitterness, constitutes sin. Hebrews 12:15 warns of the dangers of living with bitterness and its impact on our spiritual health.

Ephesians 2:2 speaks of the influence of the “spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.”

Disobedience and bitterness open the door for the devil to further infiltrate our lives, leading to more severe spiritual consequences. Disobedience can feel justified when influenced by human reasoning, but it contradicts the teachings of the Bible. Understanding and addressing disobedience is essential to realign our lives with God’s will.

9. Despair

Despair signifies a profound loss of hope and often leads to deep depression.

Psalm 69:20 poignantly captures this feeling: “Their insults have broken my heart, and I am in despair. If only one person would show some pity; if only one would turn and comfort me.”

In this stage, we feel utterly detached from our purpose and calling. The burden of unmet expectations and disappointments weighs heavily, detouring us from our God-given path. Despair can have devastating effects on our mental and emotional health, making it critical to seek help and intervention to restore hope and direction in our lives.

10. Destruction

Destruction is the devil’s ultimate goal—complete spiritual, emotional, and sometimes physical ruin. This stage is where our God-given vision and destiny are entirely destroyed. John 10:10 reminds us that while the devil aims to destroy, Jesus came to give us life abundantly.

Recognizing and resisting the “10 D’s of the Devil” is crucial for every believer. In most cases, those whose lives, dreams, and ministries have been destroyed have walked through these steps laid out by the enemy. The sad truth is that at any point, they could have chosen to receive God’s grace and find freedom. Understanding these steps helps us to guard our hearts and stay aligned with God’s purpose for our lives.

Romans 8:28 offers a powerful reminder: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.”

No matter what we have faced, God can redeem, restore, and use our experiences for His glory. Let’s live life to the fullest and resist the devil’s schemes, always seeking God’s grace and forgiveness. By doing so, we can fulfill our God-given destiny and experience the abundant life that Jesus promised.

About Larry Kreider

Larry is founder of DOVE International and also serves in the DOVE Europe team. Larry initially served for 15 years as senior pastor of DOVE Christian Fellowship in Pennsylvania, which grew from a single small group of believers to over 2,300 in 10 years. Today, DOVE believers are found meeting in more than 1000 local churches.